The Senior Fitness Test

Do you ever think you are too old, or that it is too late to start exercising? The answer is NO! We are excited to anounce our new Senior Fitness Test offered to older adults ranging from age 60-90! The test can be administered at our own gym, Live Fit, here in Westlake, Ohio. The test is designed to identify evolvolving areas of weakness, if any! It is quick and easy and suitable for all older adults. Once an area of decline is identified, like difficulty from getting sitting in a chair to standing upright, our team will work with you on developing exercises to strengthen your lower body muscles and improve your ability to get up and down from that chair!

The Senior Fitness Test consists of 6 standardized exercises designed to identify weaknesses and work towards targeted fitness goals before loss of function and frailty related to aging. The tests includes: 30 second chair stand, 30 second arm curl, chair sit-and-reach test, back scratch test, 8 foot up-and-go test, and the 6 minute walk test. These simple exercises are designed to test muscular strength, aerobic endurance, flexibility, agility and dynamic balance. It is proven reliable and valid with continuous scale measures using time based scoring, which avoids the ceiling/floor effect of a test being too hard or too easy.

Want to know more? Give us a call here at our gym in Westlake, Ohio at 440-250-9988 and we can set up a time to administer the test, get you your results, and help you work on your personal fitness goals! Check out our live action photo, of our client performing the 30 second arm curl test! She did great and was super happy to find she ranks above average for her age group, way to go lady!!


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